F2F Class Notes 3rd November (Tony)

offensive – to offend or bother someone by being disrespectful eg: “People think that stinky tofu tastes good, but I think the smell is just too offensive.” “On the subway two men were having an argument, both of them were so offensive.”

offend (v) – insult someone or have no respect for them. eg: “Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you, I just really don’t know.”

irritate – eg: to bother or annoy, to bring a body part to an abnormally sensitive condition “I’m slightly allergic to cats, my eyes and nose get really irritated.”

On weekends I just stay at home because no one hangs out with me, so I am bored to death.

Twice as expensive – “That’s twice as expensive as what I paid the first time.”

You’ve got to be kidding me – I don’t believe that, so it must be a joke eg: “You want me to pay 200 yuan for a bottle of water? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

sick of/tired of – you’ve had enough of something eg: “I’ve been working in this company for 10 years, I’m sick and tired of it.”