F2F Class Notes 3rd November (Raph)


Vehicle (n): 1-  a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, lorry, or cart.
E.g.: They got into the vehicle and drove away.

Rail (n): 1- a bar of rolled steel forming a track for trains or other wheeled vehicles.
E.g.: The rail company is putting out adds telling women not to put on make-up on the trains.

Passenger (n): 1- a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc., and who is not driving or working on it
E.g.: There are too many passengers on that plane.

Crew (n): 1- the group of people who operate or work on a ship, airplane, or train 2- a group of people who do a specified kind of work together.
E.g.: The Air China crew members were really nice and polite.

Dirty (adj): 1- not clean.
E.g.: This glass is dirty. You should get another one.

Manners (n): 1- a way of acting that is very polite.
E.g.: She has always had very good manners.

Sexist (adj): 1- a person who gives people (especially women) an unfair treatment because of their sex.
E.g.: They thought  his sexist behavior was unacceptable.

Racist (adj): 1- a person who gives people an unfair treatment because of their skin color or their race.
E.g.: Unfortunately there are still lots of racist people in the world.

Feminist (adj): 1- a person who believes in the equality between men and women. 2- A person who believes in Feminism.
E.g.: She has always fought for feminist ideals.

Target (n/v): 1- the person or group that someone is trying to influence, sell something to, etc.
E.g.: The company decided to change their target market.

Odor (n): smell.
E.g.: Durian is a fruit that has a very strong odor.

Etc = Etcetera = …