F2F Class Notes 3rd May (Dan)

Communication – The way we share information with one another. We can use verbal or non verbal communication to share ideas.

Mecca – Historically the center of the Islam world (Arab world before that) – Modern use is to say a place is a Mecca of a subject, It is the best place in the world for that Subject
E.g. Milan is a fashion house Mecca.


Kind – K-eye-nd

Terrorist – Terr-or-ist

Speaking exercise

About me?Me?

Pet store online. –  Online pet store 

I have been to Italy for 3 years – I had been in Italy for the last 3 years or I was in Italy for 3 years or I had been in Italy studying.  

I like to watching TVI like to watch TV or I like watching TV.

I know its name in Italy – Italian (language)

Nearly this years, Europe is not safety – These years (time) Europe is not safe (idea).

Paris and other countries – France and other countries  or Paris and other cities. 

So my parents cant pay attention to let me stay there. (Vocab) Can’t ignore (need to clean up the sentence so we are discussing one idea at a time.)

They have university in Australia. Verbs to expand upon: Did, went to, studied at.

Because we didn’t booking we can not go in there. Book

The bar has music band. The bar has a band. (Context and possession.)