F2F Class Notes 3rd May (Dan)
Produce – 1. To make something. 2. Fruit & Vegetables 3. To give documents/ Information/ Results
- I work in a factory, we produce toys.
- I like to shop at the market, they have the freshest produce.
- The policeman stopped me and asked me to produce my passport.
Groceries- The term given for the collective group of items you purchase at a supermarket.
e.g. My mother asked me to bring the groceries from the car into the house.
Grocery Store – Another name for a Supermarket.
Green Grocer – A person that ONLY sells Fruit and vegetables.
Butcher – A shop that only sells meat products. Traditionally red meat, however they commonly will do poultry and seafood these days too.
A person that cuts up meat is also called a butcher.
or as a Verb: To make a large mess (typically of a performance)
E.g. I went to the Butcher.
E.g. My friend is a butcher.
E.g. I was so nervous during my performance in the play, I butchered my lines.
(For fun, we can use them all together) I wanted to buy steak from the Butchers, however the young butcher had made such a mess butchering the meat I did not buy any.
Crops – Different types of fruit and vegetables grown on a farm. It is a general term for speaking about what the produce is and how well it has performed.
The crop farmer specializes in corn. It has been a poor harvest has the crop suffered from not enough water.
Speaking exercise
Sometimes i feel very exciting because… – Sometimes I feel very excited….
The air is fresh in Pudong – (comparison) The air is more fresh or The air is fresher in Pudong than Puxi
In this Chinese New Year… This Chinese New Year I went…
I went to there, just to visit some temples. – I went there, to visit some temples or I went there, just to visit temples.
(They) Introduce me some good place. Introduced
I ride a horse. Rode
I can only rode a horse. Ride
I fly to Sydney and we fly to Cairns…. Flew
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