F2F Class Notes 3rd March (Raph)


Exist (v): 1- to be, or to be real.
E.g.: I don’t think ghosts exist.

Decide (v): 1- to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities.
E.g.: They have to decide by next Friday.

Dedicate (v): 1- to give all of your energy, time, etc..
E.g.: He dedicated his life to helping the poor.

Flood (v): 1- to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems.
E.g.: Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen.

Land (v): 1- to (cause to) arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air.
E.g.: The plane landed in Madrid at 7 a.m..

Paste (v): 1- to move a piece of text to a particular place in a computer document.
E.g.: You need to copy this paragraph and paste it at the end of the page

March (v/n): 1- a walk, especially by a group of soldiers all walking with the same movement and speed. 2- an event in which a large number of people walk through a public place to express their support for something, or their disagreement with or disapproval of something.
E.g.: It had been a long march and the soldiers were weary.
E.g.: They are planning a large anti-racism march.

Produce (v): 1- to make something.
E.g.: iPhones are produced in China.

Roll (v): 1-  to (cause something to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side.
E.g.: The ball rolled down the road and fell into the the river.


Simple Past Tense Verbs – Ending Sounds:

  1. /id/ Sound:
    E.g.: waited, planted, painted, existed, tasted, added, ended, flooded, included, landed, counted, united, expected, pasted, repeated, etc..
  2. /t/ Sound:
    E.g.: helped, worked, fished, marched, missed, asked, topped, danced, looked, touched, developed, hoped, produced, increased, etc..
  3. /d/ Sound:
    E.g.: learned, used tried, followed, loved, listened, closed, changed, shared, called, showed, played, moved, climbed, carried, turned, rolled, continued, believed, begged, etc..