F2F Class Notes 3rd July (Celeste)
If I am bored, sth/sb is boring me.
eg. I am bored. / I was bored.
eg. This is boring. / He/she/it is boring.
I will have a travel/trip.
I will travel.
I will go on a trip.
I made/created a show at my university.
I asked my teacher to give me money for the show.
I asked my teacher to reimburse me for the show.
reimburse = to give money back when it is due
because becars be cuz
I want to go to German.
I want to go to Germany because I think Germans are nice.
ambition = my goals that you want to achieve
ambitious [adjective] = when a person wants to make, create many things in life
eg. Krystal is very ambitious because she wants to be a choreographer, a lawyer, a performer….
choreographer – kor ee og ri fer
coreography – kor ee og ri fee
law – lah, please remember to open your mouth more for the ‘ah’ sound
colonize, colony, commute, metro
My hometown is Shanghai. So Shanghai’s famous architecture is Pearl Tower and Jing’an Temple. SH colonize many buildings from other countries. SH has many metro stations.
My hometown is Shanghai. So Shanghai’s famous architecture is Pearl Tower and Jing’an Temple. SH colonize many lands from other countries. SH has many metro stations. I commute from xujingdong station to Jing’an Temple Station.
specialize, choreographer, choreography, perform, performer
I want to be a choreographer in the future. I can create performance. I’m also a performer so, I can perform for a show. My choreography may specialize in ballet.
I want to be a choreographer in the future. I can create performances. I’m also a performer so, I can perform for a show. My choreography may specialize in ballet.
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