F2F Class Notes 3rd July (Celeste)
Today, I and my father to had a breakfast.
Today, my father and I had breakfast.
eg. My mom and I went to the book shop.
eg. My grandpa and I went to play basketball.
Where you come from?
Where do you come from?
How long do you live in Shanghai?
How long have you lived in Shanghai?
sweaty [adjective] (liu han de) = when you exercise or are hot, your body gives off sweat
eg. When I play basketball, I get sweaty.
I very like to cook.
I really like to cook.
I love to cook.
baker [noun] = someone who bakes breads, cookies, cakes…
eg. Celeste was a cook and baker in the US.
xi dian shi = American baker
mian bao shi = Chinese baker
pastry chef = person who makes and creates desserts/sweet things
eg. Celeste’s husband was a pastry chef.
When did you want to be a chef? = past tense, at what age did you want to be a chef?
I wanted to be a chef 10 years ago. = I wanted to be a chef when I was 7 years old.
When I was little, I see my father to cook. I think the cook is very cool. So, I saw I was 7 years old my dream is to be a cook.
When I was little, I saw my father cook. I think cooks are very cool. So, when I was 7 years old my dream was to be a cook.
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