F2F Class Notes 3rd January (Raph)


Comply (v): 1- (of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command.
E.g.: We are unable to comply with your request”

Accompany (v): 1- to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something.
E.g.: Visitors must be accompanied by club members.

Hope (n/v): 1- to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might.
E.g.: hope that it will all go well for you.

Excited (n): 1- very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen
Are you excited for the holidays?

Nuclear Family (n): 1- a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.
I spent the holidays just with my nuclear family.

Extended Family (n): 1- a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children.
I have a very large extended family.

Sibling (n): 1- a brother or sister
E.g.: Louritta’s mother has 7 siblings.

Humanities (n): 1- 人文

Statistics (n): 1- 统计

Public Policy (n): 1- 公共政策

Speaking exercise

(Original – Edited)

During the holiday i just accompanied with my daughter. – I just stayed with my daughter during the holiday. / I just kept my daughter company during the holiday.

The fast train is about six o’clock. – It’s about six hours away by fast train.

I can have sleep on the train. – I can sleep on the train.

I always can’t do this. – I can never do this.


Fourteen: \fȯr-ˈtēn\

Forty: \ˈfȯr-tē\

Twentieth: /ˈtwen.t̬i.əθ/

Humanities: /hjuˈmæn·ɪ·t̬iz/