F2F Class Notes 30th September (Celeste)

Where do you get your happy and positive attitude from?

( + ) positive: happy, nice, funny, silly, not angry
( – ) negative: sad, mean, not funny, not silly, angry

Learning English, Spanish, and French makes me happy.
Playing football and basketball with Yao Yao and Cora, my classmates, also makes me happy.
Finally, when Mommy gives me kisses and hugs that makes me very happy.
These things help give me a positive attitude.

Which language is your favorite and why?

I like to speak Spanish because it’s hard. The letter ‘r’ in Spanish is hard to speak. I love taking class with my two Spanish teachers because I like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

To be continued…

Hola me llamo es Michelle. Mis amigos me llaman Misha. Yo tengo 5 años.