F2F Class Notes 30th June (Peter)


In-field test – driving test

The plate is expensive than the car – the plate is more expensive than the car



Lot – a large open space

Crosswalk – zebra crossing

Roundabout – a circular road crossing that only goes in one direction

Rotunda – can refer to either a roundabout or an architectural dome

Onomatopoeia – a word that has no meaning besides sound (noun)

Ex. Boom, crash, and flop are examples of onomatopoeia.

Ex. Boom, crash, and flop are onomatopoeic words.

Applicable – able to be applied

Constituent – the person a representative represents

Ex. Members of parliament or congress must represent the interests of their constituents.

To Picket – to protest with picket signs

Picket – a thin piece of wood used for fences or signs


Some other words for Flip Flops are thongs (AUS), jandals (NZ), and slops (South Africa).

Some other words for a roundabout are traffic circles and rotundas.

The phrase checks and balances refers to the system in American politics that prevents any one person from obtaining too much power.

To keep something or someone in check means to prevent someone or something from doing something they shouldn’t.

The phrase a kink in the chain refers to a weakness.

To be only human means to be imperfect.


Onomatopoeia (spoken language: awe-nuh-maw-nuh-PEE-uh)*

*Note: the way this word should be (but is not) pronounced is (on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh)