F2F Class Notes 30th June (Peter)


Event Planning things – event planning

I decided to change a little bit – I decided to change things up

My boss know nothing – my boss knows nothing

These days a few people can play this – these days very few people can play like this

We want people to join our membership – we want people to become members

If you be our members – if you are a member

How your company can innovation – how your company can innovate

We’re always overwork – we’re always overworked

I decide to go to England – I decided to go to England

I’m start to learn Korean – I’m starting to learn Korean



Overqualified – someone who is overqualified for their job is capable of being in a higher position (the opposite is underqualified)

Quasi-native – a person who can understand a language as a native speaker but was never formally educated in the language

Hieroglyphics – a system of writing based on pictures

Hollow – empty on the inside

Bollywood – the production center for South Asian films (Mumbai)

Nollywood – the production center for African films (Nigeria)

Copyright – the right to copy something

Ex. I cannot use this picture because of copyright laws.

Advertiser – copywriter

High-profile – professional, of high status

Posture – the way a person stands or sits

Ex. In an interview, having good posture ca give people a good impression.

Reinforce – too strengthen, to repeat for the sake of remembering


The Present Progressive tense (“ing” verbs) requires the verb “to be.” For example, we should say “I am starting,” not “I am start.”


To change things up means to try something new.

To pay up means to pay money that you owe someone.


Shangri La (Shang-ri-LAH, the “A” in “shang” is as in “apple”)

Eddie (“E” is in “bed”)

Posture (POSS-churr)