F2F Class Notes 30th August (Raph)

Task (n): 1- a piece of work to be done or undertaken.
E.g.: My boss just gave me a new task.

Storm (n): 1- an occurrence of bad weather in which there is a lot of rain, snow, etc., and often strong winds.
E.g.: The sky got dark and it looked like a storm was coming.

Landslide (n): 1- a large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain or hill.
E.g.: The storm caused landslides in many parts of the city.

Astronomy (n): 1- the study of objects and matter outside the earth’s atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties.
E.g.: Astronomy is a very important science, because it helps us to understand our place in the universe.

Planetarium (n): 1- a domed building in which images of stars, planets, and constellations are projected for public entertainment or education.
E.g.: There’s a big planetarium near Sheshan Forest Park, in Shanghai.

Telescope (n): 1- a device shaped like a long tube that you look through in order to see things that are far away.
E.g.: He used his telescope to see the stars, the moon and other planets.

The marathon is at the end of October.