F2F Class Notes 30th August (Celeste) [1]

phonetics ( fuh – net – icks )

accent ( ack – sent ) – the way we say sth

ascent ( uhh – sent ) – to go up

I needn’t search on my phone.
I don’t need to search on my phone. – native
I can / can’t
I could / I couldn’t
I may / I may not
I might / I might not
I do / I don’t

JZG airport – runway (where the airplane takes off from)

no buildings, no cars, no trucks, no people – no civilization

you and the nature one thing – you are one with nature

famous ( fay – miss )- pr.

nake – lake pr.

majority vs. minority

eg. The majority or most Chinese people belong to ____.

eg. Some Chinese people are in the minority and belong to ____ group.

subculture – a group having social, economic, ethnic, or other traits distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society.