F2F Class Notes 2nd May (Tony)


tie them together

have a problem with

Had I not (done this/be)   I could have (done that/be).

Had I not given up studying math, I could have been an engineer. 

My good English skill makes up for my poor math skills.

too many/ too few

too much/ too little

slacker N. – a lazy person

eg: I’m not a slacker, I have a good work ethic.

slack V. – to be lazy

eg: He is always slacking off in class.

hulk out – to use an excessive amount of strength on something

eg: He just hulked out and ripped the door off it’s hinges.

hinge – a usually metal piece that attaches a door, gate, or cover to something and allows it to open and close.

hinge on – to be determined or decided by (something) : to depend on (something)    go either way

eg: My interview hinges on my English skill.


Content N. – Kahn tent

Content Adj. – Kun tent