F2F Class Notes 2nd May (Celeste)[S]***
Next Class: Edit the speaking below.
sneeze – achoo!
My nose is runny. – liquid coming from your nose
write a statement – formally write on a document for the police
temporary ID card – ID card for short period of time
terminal/s – similar to a station
Speaking exercise
Do you remember last time I told you my roommate bad luck day? Kind of same thing happened to me. I had my worst day in my life on the past holiday. Honestly, I am supposed to be Chengdu this time but now I’m here it’s because I missed my flight twice in a day. OMG, can you believe that? Jesus. I was so sad because I lost my ID card on my way to the airport because, you know, Labor Day, definitely has lot of tourist. That day was crazy. My ID card was in my bag when took the subway to the airport and there a station to change so I get out the subway which only go to the airport. So, when I was waiting the second train there is a policeman who wanted me show him my ID card. I take my ID card from my bag and showing him and after that I put my ID card in my pocket because I think there is only one station to the airport and I don’t have to put it in my bag again…
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