F2F Class Notes 2nd March (Tanya) [s]


Opinion vs view/perspective

  • Opinion is one person’s “view or perspective”
  • Perspective is a way of seeing things: conservative perspective vs liberal perspective
  • perspective – a way of seeing things

Research – investigation, to analyse something or look for information on a topic

To conduct research – to do research

e.g. A lot of research is conducted by universities all over the world.

To govern – to rule over/control a state, to “manage”

e.g. He governs the country 

Speaking exercise


Real estate. The news happened last month. In an international review, the officer who governed the real estate said the government are taking action to collect real estate tax. So there are two kinds of opinions about this. One opinion is that the price of real estate will decrease. It will decrease people’s intention to buy house or apartment. Demand goes down. Another opinion said that there’s no evidence that the real estate price will decrease because from the experience of the US or Australia in this kind of countries, the government also collect tax of real estate but the experience show that the house price didn’t receive any contact or influence.

Actually, I plan to buy an apartment in my hometown but there is a risk for me because I don’t know which opinion is right. If the real estate price decrease and I buy it now I think I will lose a lot of money. If the real estate price increase and I didn’t buy this time maybe I can’t afford it anymore.


Real estate. Something happened last month. In a national interview, the officer who is in charge of the housing department said the government will take action to collect real estate tax. So there are two kinds of perspectives on this. One perspective is that the price of real estate will decrease. It will decrease people’s intention to buy houses or apartments. Demand goes down. Another perspective is that there’s no evidence that the real estate price will decrease. From research conducted in the US or Australia we know that their governments also collect tax of real estate but the research shows that the average house price wasn’t influenced.

Actually, I plan to buy an apartment in my hometown but it’s risky for me because I don’t know which opinion is right. If the real estate prices decrease and I buy it now I think I will lose a lot of money. If the real estate prices increase and I don’t buy it this time maybe I won’t be able to afford it anymore.


Listen to recorded text and read text out loud in the next class