F2F Class Notes 2nd March (Raph)


Purpose (n): 1- a reason to do something.
E.g.: I come here with the purpose of improving my English.

On purpose (adv): 1- with intention of doing something. If you do something on purpose, it means that you wanted to do it. (= Intentional)
E.g.: I didn’t do it on purpose – it was an accident.
E.g.: It wasn’t intentional – it was an accident.

Careless (adj): 1- not taking or showing enough care and attention:
E.g.:My son’s teacher says that his work is often rather careless.

Fold (v): 1- to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part of it lies on the other part, or to be able to be bent in this way.
E.g.: Dji Mavic Pro drones can be folded.

Bankrupt (adj): 1- 破产

Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I work with marketing for a cosmetics company.