F2F Class Notes 4th February (Tony)


i don’t know about them

I left the house twice

I haven’t started searching job posts online

have to have – must have

eg: “You have to have a subway card in Shanghai, because it saves you so much time.”

sour -having an acid taste, resembling that of vinegar, lemon juice, etc.; tart.

eg: “My uncle cooked some sweet and sour pork.”

Germ – a microorganism, especially when disease-producing; microbe.

eg: “A kid was wearing a motorcycle helmet to keep the germs out, he doesn’t know it’s not effective.”

testosterone – a hormone which males have much more of.

eg: “Because women have less testosterone, it’s harder for them to build big muscles.

estrogen – a hormone which females have more of.

eg: “Estrogen can make you more like a woman.”

steroid – a substance which promotes muscles growth

eg: “My friend took steroids for a year and became really huge and strong.”

messing with, kidding with – to joke with someone

eg: “I was just messing with you, I’m not really from Xinjiang.”

paradox – something that is actually impossible

eg: “If god is all powerful, can He/She make a rock(boulder) so heavy that even He/She can not lift it?” “This is called the boulder paradox.”                                 “Try to relax.” Is a paradox, because i you are trying, then you are not relaxing.           “Never ever miss him” If you try to miss him, then he is in your mind, this is also like a paradox.