F2F Class Notes 2nd April (Tony)[W]


get hooked – to become very interested in something and follow it closely

eg: I got hooked on that show.

Hobbies –

Speaking exercise

Original –

I have two hobbies, one is weightlifting. The other one is writing. I have kept weightlifting for five years. I used to lost my weight and put it again, it’s like a yoyo. But I still keep it up. Firstly I just wanted to lost weight because when I came from Japan I was a little bit fat. So I decided to go to the gym to shed my weight. after one year I met my first coach who taught me some skills about weightlifting. So I found I start to like this hobby and I look for some tips on the internet. According to these tips I trained by myself. I think health is the most important thing, if you want to be successful or if you want to continue striving. You have to be healthy life, so this is my first hobby. The second hobby is writing. I think writing is an essential skill for modern people. Especially in the business world. Writing is not only wirte words, it’s more like output your knowledge. Reading is input. You can test if you really have this knowledge through writing. And you will get more knowledge and thinking through writing. So I have my own wechat subscription, I write about my thinking, about business and analyze some communication cases. The reason I opened it is because public writing can push you forward. I tried to write diary, but if you have pressure, you just  easily give it up. So once you give your words to your followers, you have to continue writing. You have to very careful about what you write, every single word and every single sentence, You have to think more deeper about what you write. So I think public writing is very helpful for me. I think I will keep it up in my life.


I have two hobbies, one is weightlifting and the other one is writing. I have been weightlifting for five years. I used to lose weight and put it on again, my weight went up and down like a yoyo. But I still kept exercising. Firstly I just wanted to lose weight because when I came from Japan I was a little bit overweight. So I decided to go to the gym to shed a few kilos. After a year I met my first trainer who taught me about weightlifting. So I found I started to like this hobby and I looked for some tips online. Following these tips I trained by myself. I think health is the most important thing. If you want to be successful or if you want to continue striving, you have to be healthy. Another hobby I have is writing. I think writing is an essential skill for modern people, especially in the business world. Writing is not only about putting words on paper, it’s more like outputting your knowledge. Reading is input, but you can test if you really have this knowledge through writing. You will acquire more knowledge and reflect on it through writing. So I made my own wechat blog, I write about my thoughts, about business and analyze some communication cases. The reason I started it is because public writing can push you forward. I tried to write a diary, but if you don’t have pressure, you will just give up easily. So once your followers get hooked on your writing you have to continue. You have to very careful about word choice, every single word and every single sentence matters. You have to think deeper about what you are typing. So I think public writing is very helpful for me. I think I will keep up both of these hobbies.