F2F Class Notes 29th October (Tanya)


Undergraduate degree – bachelor’s degree – the first three or four years of university
e.g. Penny has got an undergraduate degree in making clothes.

Graduate degree – master’s degree – the two years after you got your undergraduate degree, you study for your graduate degree
e.g. Tanya is studying for her master’s degree

to describe – to talk about the characteristics of something
e.g. If I would have to describe Penny, I would say that she is wearing a pink jacket and that she has long and dark hair.

pantsuit – a suit for girls
e.g. A lot of women who work at a bank wear pantsuits.

inspiration – when you see something very cool or someone who is doing great things and suddenly feel very motivated to do something
e.g. Penny felt very inspired this weekend and drew a lot of design.


What are you doing?
What have you been doing all week?
How long does that take? (time)
I drew – to draw (past tense)


I always don’t know what to say – I never know what to say