F2F Class Notes 29th October (Selma)


My parents and I used to fight a lot, so we do not see each other often anymore.

Because I am very busy, I do not get to see my parents, and that makes them angry.

I have one friend who does not have a job, so she is always free.

My boyfriend no have does not have free time.

My boyfriend, his friends and I go for drinks.

My boyfriend’s friend’s friend want to let us go to his   invited us to his home.

It got delivered by express delivery company.

We do not sure are not sure.

Clubs make me uncomfortable.

My boyfriend is from France.

Since we got together, his Chinese has improved.

If you want to learn a second language, fighting in that language is the best way.

For job work.


arguments – disagreements – fights

Egyptian Queen


Tourists – tour.ist