F2F Class Notes 29th March (Raph)
Absurd (adj): 1- stupid and unreasonable, or silly in a humorous way.
E.g.: That’s an absurd thing to say!
Curly (adj): 1- having curls or a curved shape.
E.g.: He has blond, curly hair.
Strings attached: 1- If something such as an agreement has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits:
E.g.: She went on Tinder to look for a no-strings-attached hookup.
Objectify (v): 1- to treat a person like a tool or toy, as if they had no feelings, opinions, or rights of their own.
E.g.: She denied that the magazine objectified women.
Cholesterol (n): 1- 胆固醇
(Original – Edited)
Yesterday I have a conversation with Joseph. – Yesterday I had a conversation with Joseph.
It’s made by rice. – It’s made of rice.
Floss: /flɑːs/
Portuguese: /ˌpɔːr.tʃəˈɡiːz/
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