F2F Class Notes 29th March (Raph)


Envelope (n): 1- a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter.
E.g.: I folded the letter in half and put it in an envelope.

Envelop (v): 1- to cover or surround something completely.
E.g.: A video showing smog enveloping Beijing went viral all over the world last year.

Contract (n): 1- a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself.
E.g.: They could take legal action against you if you break the contract.

Contract (v): 1- to catch or become ill with a disease. 2- to make a legal agreement with someone to do work or to have work done for you.
E.g.: He contracted malaria while he was traveling.
E.g.: Our company was contracted to build shelters for the homeless.

Relentless (adj): 1- persistent; nonstop. 2- not stopping until you get what you want.
E.g.: Good quality requires relentless attention to detail.

“You should stop doing that to yourself.”


Bulk: /bʌlk/

Envelope: /ˈɑːn.və.loʊp/

Envelop: /ɪnˈvel.əp/

Contract (n): /ˈkɑːn.trækt/

Contract (n): /kənˈtrækt/

Competition: /ˌkɑːm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/