F2F Class Notes 29th December (Raph)


Symptom (n): 1- any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a disease.
E.g.: Muscle pain and fever are symptoms of the flu.

Bucket list (n): 1- a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die
E.g.: Iceland is the number one destination on my bucket list.

Expertise (n): 1- a high level of skill or knowledge.
 She was widely known for her expertise as a trial lawyer.

Recognize (v): 1- to know someone or something because you have seen or experienced that person or thing before. 2- to accept that something is true, important, or legal.
I recognized my old high school teacher from the photograph.
China doesn’t recognize gay marriage.

Northern Lights (n): 1- 北极光

Skydiving (n): 1- 跳伞

Bungee Jumping (n): 1- 蹦极跳


(Original – Edited)

I can’t speak this afternoon. – I couldn’t speak this afternoon.

Last night I go to bed before 10. – Last night I went to bed before 10.