F2F Class Notes 29th April (Tony)
Steve jobs is well-known for his achievements.
If everything is famous, then nothing is.
If every city is advanced then none are.
none of them are…
tv show
live show
a play N. – a show that you go watch at the theater, with live actors.
eg: I don’t go to plays.
Come on – As an appeal to change something
eg: Come on, I was only five minutes late, don’t fire me.
renowned – well-known for great achievements
eg: Steve jobs is a renowned innovator.
pre-school – any school before kindergarden
eg: Pre-school is optional in America.
Grammar rules that SHOULD be broken.
Me and my friends. My friends and I
Should not end a sentence with a preposition.
Plural/Singular a child 22 children a cat 5 cats
Simple Present – used to express usually or always
I go to South Korea….(how often) twice a year
I went to south Korea, (one time, finished, not in Korea)
I came to south Korea (one time, finished, probably IN Korea) 5 years ago(amount) in 2002 (point in time)
Come/GO: Depends where the Listener is at.
Husband in Nepal, Son is at home. You are at work.
Hey son, I will come home at 6.
Hey husband, I will go home at 6 to cook dinner for our son.
have been V.
I’ve been working in Oregon for fifty years. (you’re still in Oregon now)
I worked in Nevada during the 90’s. (probably not in Nevada) (surely not working there)
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