F2F Class Notes 29th April (Tony)


counter-intuitive – against the natural thinking

eg: The “Midwest” is a counter-intuitive name for that region of the country.

Werewolf – a man that turns into a wolf during a full moon

eg: Legend says only a silver bullet can kill a werewolf.
inside baseball –  requires such a specific knowledge about what is being discussed that the nuances are not understood or appreciated by outsiders.

eg: The details of the disaster project are very inside baseball. (House of cards)

3 Aspects of Native speaking:

Cultural References  Silver Bullet, used to Kill werewolves

Phrasal Verbs, usually two words.  – Hang out. Look up.

Idioms, is a phrase with special meaning – Bite the bullet, Dodge a bullet


you don’t make sense – (always or usually, because Simple Present tense)

You are not making sense,   (at the moment, or continuously)