F2F Class Notes 28th March (Jesse)


once / 1 time = yi ci
twice / 3 times = liang ci
3 times = san ci
4 times …..

1 course is 7500 RMB

how many hours is the course?

how much coffee do you want?


dogs – ke shu
how many dogs are there?
1 dog
2 dogs
a few dogs / some dogs
many dogs / a lot of dogs
so many dogs
not many dogs

money – bu ke shu
how much money do you have?
I have a little money
You have some money
He has a lot of money
She has so much money
They don’t have much money

how much is it?
how much money is it?

How many eggs are there?
There are 2 eggs there (there are = you. 2 eggs = liang ge ji dan. there = zai na li)
How much bread is there?
there is a lot of bread there

there are three nuts there

how much coffee do you want?
a little coffee
some coffee
a lot of coffee
so much coffee
not much coffee

how much time do you have?

through – oooo
thought – orr
borough – oh
rough – uff