F2F Class Notes 28th August (Ben)

Our branch office is in an industrial zone.

a store = a shop

a story = 故事

Rubik’s Cube: First, you have to make a cross (+) on any side, then you need to solve the 4 corners.

I have another way of doing. In my way, I start with the yellow side. I make a cross on the yellow side and transfer it to the white side.

Give a speech

A good speaker gets his point across. (make people understand him)

Structure of a speech:

  1. Opening – grabbing the attention of the audience
  2. Body –  a series of points that you would like to raise.
  3. Conclusion – summary, food for thought, final thought

I had to take my notes out. My tone was slow, tense and wooden.

  1. Opening

Hello everyone, thanks for having me here. I feel very honoured to be here. First of all, I would like to thank my leader and my co-workers for giving me all their help and showing me how to complete tasks in the best way. I was able to improve fast because you were there and without you, I wouldn’t be here today.

2. Body

3. Conclusion

I look forward to our company’s success in the future. Thank you everyone for your attention and enjoy the rest of the evening.