F2F Class Notes 27th December (Raph)


Resume (v): to start doing something again after stopping for a while.
E.g.: The game resumed after the rain stopped.

Résumé (n): 1- a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience. 2- a CV.
E.g.: I just sent my résumé to the company.

Summarize (n): 1- to describe the main points of something in a brief way.
E.g.: At the end of  the presentation he summarized the most important findings of the research.

Concise (n): 1- able to express an idea briefly or in very few words.
E.g.: He gave us a clear and concise account of the accident

Vote (v/n): 1- a formal choice between two or more candidates for an office or position or for a course of action.
E.g.: In the United States people vote to choose a new President every four years.


Résumé: \ˈre-zÉ™-ËŒmÄ\

Resume: \ri-ˈzüm\

Bachelor’s in Fashion Design and Engineering
Hebei University of Science and Technology (2003/09 – 2007/06)


  • Part-time job as a Pattern-maker (YYYY/MM – YYYY/MM)
  • Senior Pattern-maker certification
  • Excellent Class Commissary

Master’s in Fashion Design and Engineering
Donghua University (2007/09 – 2010/03)


  • Class President
  • Organizer of the Modern Drama Troupe