F2F Class Notes 27th April (Raph)
Cliché (n): 1-a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting.
E.g.: My wedding day – and I know it’s a cliché – was just the happiest day of my life.
Writing exercise
Oslo is my favorite city in Europe. I had fantastic experience there.
The best thing in Oslo is the National Gallery. After I visited many galleries in Europe, I think the one in Oslo definitely is the best. I spent whole day there but still felt not enough. Maybe the collection there was not the best or the most abundant, but the design of the gallery is the best – huge exhibition space, clever layouts and soft sofa in every exhibition room, which just create comfortable atmosphere to look at all the paintings there. In my opinion, a painting should be looked at alone, or only with one or two others. In a gallery crowd with lots of people, it will be hard to feel the mood of the art works.
The most interesting thing in Oslo was the encounter with the prime minister of Norway in a Chinese restaurant next to the city hall. I went there alone and sat next to him. But I didn’t know who he was at that moment. We had a nice conversation about Oslo and the relationship between China and Norway. After he left, the waitress told me that he was the prime minister of Norway.
Oslo is my favorite city in Europe. I had fantastic experience there.
The best thing in Oslo is the National Gallery. Having visited many galleries in Europe, I think the one in Oslo definitely is the best. I spent a whole day there but still felt that it was not enough. The collection may not be the best or even the largest, but the design of the gallery is the best – huge exhibition spaces, clever layouts and soft sofas in every exhibition room, which creates a comfortable atmosphere to look at all the paintings. In my opinion, a painting should be looked at alone, or only with one or two others. In a gallery crowded with people, it is hard to feel the mood of the artworks.
The most interesting thing in Oslo was my encounter with the prime minister of Norway in a Chinese restaurant next to the city hall. I went there alone and sat next to him, but I didn’t know who he was at first. We had a nice conversation about Oslo and the relationship between China and Norway. After he left, the waitress told me that he was the prime minister of Norway.
Exhibition: /ˌek.səˈbɪʃ.ən/
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