F2F Class Notes 27th April (Celeste)

This dog has five baby dogs. – This dog has 5 puppies. – It has 5 puppies.

The store has a lot of different clothes. – It has a lot of different clothes.

The family members have 4 brothers and sisters. – They have 4 brothers and sisters.

The fitness centers have thousands of gym members. – They have thousands of gym members.

I am educated, therefore I have an education.


Yesterday I went to a fashion show of Jans, a sort of clothes. These clothes are designed from a student which are China and French university. My friends told me they designed this clothes spend a lot of time and experience. The 20 clothes were showing 30 minutes. The jeans are thin than other clothes but they designed some fashion dresses is not easy. In my memory, the dresses usually made used some cloth. The fashion show is a good experience for me because I never see this show. The models are students.


Yesterday I went to a fashion show, the theme of the show was jeans. These clothes are designed by some students from a Chinese and French university. My friend told me the designers made these clothes and/that took a lot of time and experience. The fashion show had 20 dresses/looks/outfits that were shown in 30 minutes. The jeans are thicker than other cloths so to design some fashion dresses is not easy. I think, dresses are usually made with some soft cloth. The fashion show was a good experience for me because I’ve never seen a fashion show.


cloth/cloths = fabric
