F2F Class Notes 26th October (Tanya)

Belgian people can Dutch, German and FrenchBelgian people speak Dutch, German and French

Choose the area near to the downtownChoose the area near downtown

Mixed race – someone who is more than two races

e.g. Tanya is mixed race.

I am also interest in languageI am also interested in languages


Dual citizenship – when someone holds two passports

e.g. Sam’s friend has dual citizenship and so he is both Finnish and Swedish.

Several languageseveral languages

Ethnicity – where someone’s from

e.g. Sam has Chinese ethnicity.

When I was young, I don’t have much time to learn GermanWhen I was young, I didn’t have much time to learn German


Simplified vs Traditional Chinese characters

Anti-social – the opposite of social

e.g. Some people are somewhat anti-social and have a hard time making friends.

IT – information technology

e.g. Someone who studies IT is someone who will probably work with computers later. Sam says a lot of IT people are single.

I am a bachelorette = I am single

I am doing my bachelor’s = I am studying for my undergraduate degree

Intern – someone who is in training for a job.

e.g. Sometimes students become interns to gain more work experience.

Having a firm grasp on something – to have a very good understanding of something

e.g. Sam has a very firm grasp of the English language.