F2F Class Notes 26th July (Jesse)

new teacher – pr – “er

introduced each other introduced ourselves to each other

package – pr – technical word for a grouped deal

meal / set – tao can

omelette – om leht


health (n) / healthy (adj)

pizza – “ah

when she first time saw the chinese people
the first time she saw Chinese people eating ….
when she first saw Chinese people eating…

when = the time that
what = the thing that
where = and at the place
eg. I went to a cafe where you can buy coffee = and at that place you can buy coffee
eg2. I remember when you first came to SE = the time that you first came to SE
eg3. I know what you like to eat = I know the thing that you like you eat

unhygenic – not following the rules of hygene
eg. she thinks it’s unhygenic