F2F Class Notes 26th July (Jesse)

Homework: use today’s words in some writing about something you need to buy (not makeup or clothes).

headache – tou teng
eg. i have a headache

my mum said if I do it like this (zhe yang zuo), it will get better quickly (hen kuai jiu hao)

talked about whatever

we talked about eat what, and watch tv, and go to play.we chatted on wechat and talked about eating, and watching tv, and going out together.

Maybe we will go out together next month to buy some clothes and makeup. I have finished my eyeshadow so I should buy another one. My friends want to buy some clothes like dresses and shorts because she wants to have more clothes.

I have finished my coffee – I don’t have anymore coffee (left)

cake (v)
eg. some girls cake the makeup on their face

shirts – er 

shorts – or 

Verbs: do / run / eat / go
Nouns (verbs): doing / running / eating / going
Verbs (now verbs): doing / running / eating / going
eg. I like running / I like to run / I am running

how often do you drink coffee?
Sometimes once a day, but sometimes twice a day. But most of the time, only once a day.


I often drink coffee < > i hardly ever drink coffee

I never drink coffee < > I always drink coffee

I have never seen that movie < > I have seen that movie

That is the best movie I have ever seen

I have not seen ….. I have never seen………I have never ever seen such a beautiful girl

what is the past of “mean”?

meant = “ment”
what did you mean? I meant it is hot today.
what is your meaning? (my meaning is …) / What do you mean? (I mean …..)

meaning = noun
mean = verb

they introduced me

full (no room) < > empty (nothing inside)

full time work – 9am – 5pm (get paid every month)
past time work – you work when your company needs you (get paid every hour)
eg. when i was 14 i worked part time in a shop, and when i was 19 i worked full time in a big company