F2F Class Notes 26th January (Celeste)
Eating chili peppers helps you live longer
There is good news for lovers of hot and spicy food – the chili inside it can help you live longer. Researchers from the University of Vermont College of Medicine in the US have discovered that capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot red chili peppers, may boost the metabolism, strengthen the cardiovascular system and help reduce high blood pressure and obesity. They said people who regularly ate hot red chili peppers had a 13 per cent reduced risk of premature death compared with those who did not eat them. They concluded that: “The consumption of hot red chili pepper was associated with reduced mortality. Hot red chili peppers may be a beneficial component of the diet.”
capsaisin ( kap – say – i – sin ) n. – the active ingredient in hot red chili peppers
ingredient/s n. – food used to cook a meal/dish ( eggs, meat, veggies etc)
material/s n. – steel, wood, cotton, plastic…
tool/s n.- hammer, knife, spoon
machine/s n.- oven, microwave
equipment n.- bulldozer, gym equipment
metabolism n. – process in which we consume, digest, expel food
eg. I have a fast metabolism, I am always hungry.
cardiovascular system n. – system in the body having to do with the heart and blood vessels
obesity n. – condition of being extremely overweight
eg. There is a large problem of obesity in the US and Mexico.
obese ( oh – beess ) adj.
eg. I am obese.
premature death – die at a young age
eg. Many artists die a premature death.
consumption (noun) vs. consume (verb)
eg. A high consumption of alcohol is dangerous and unhealthy.
mortality n. – the state or condition of being subject to death
eg. The mortality rate of young children in Africa is high.
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