F2F Class Notes 26th April (Jesse) [W]


Write about last time you went to a restaurant. Use the words from today.

11 – 20 – NEXT CLASS

Writing exercise

Went to the bar With my friends go to the bar is
have fun don’t like to drink drink is bored

I went to a bar with my friends. Going to bars is
fun but I don’t like to drink because drinking is boring.

I went to a cafe yesterday because i wanted to drink coffee, but drinking coffee is boring so I only had / drank tea.


i play guitar = (play = verb)
playing guitar is fun = (playing guitar = noun)

Ayaka is fun

Do you like coffee?
Do you have any money? – bu ke shu
Do you have a / any friend(s)? – ke shu

Is there a phone on the table – yes there is a phone on the table
Are there any phones on the table – yes there are 2 phones on the table
Do you have a phone on the table? – Yes i do


Do you have any seats?
Are there any seats?
Do you have a table for 2?
Is there a table for 2?

Reserve (reservation) / Book (booking)
eg. have you booked? / Do you have a reservation?
eg2. have you reserved a table? / do you have a booking?

order – dian dan

get the cheque / get the bill / pay 
eg. can I get the cheque? / could I get the bill? / could we pay now?

june – joon

10 = ten
99 = ninety nine
100 = hundred
101 = a hundred and one
110 = a hundred and ten
111 = a hundred and eleven
199 = a hundred and ninety nine
1000 = a thousand
1010 = a thousand and ten
1100 = one thousand one hundred
1110 = one thousand one hundred and ten
1101 = one thousand one hundred and one

0 = 10
00 = hundred
000 = thousand
10 000 = 10 thousand