F2F Class Notes 26th April (Dan)


Developed – “One subject” is more processed, built up, bigger than another

Established – The founding/creation date of a subject (brand, country). Can also be used to compare

The market is bigger in America than Australia – The market is more developed in America than Australia – or – The market is more established in America than Australia.

You study Finance – Your major is/in Finance

Trade partner – When countries prefer to do business with a certain country for certain reasons/ in a certain good.

Elaborate – To expand on the question/ answer

Implied – Represents a specific subject without saying it

Trot – When a  horse walks fast

CBD – Central Business District

Speaking exercise

In you eye – In your eyes

Worried fall from the horse – Worried to fall from the horse or I want to avoid falling from the horse. 


Emphasize –  Em – Fa- Size

Horse – H-or-se