F2F Class Notes 26th April (Celeste)

This week has… – It has

These weeks have – They have

Labor Day is this week. So I have four days off.

Monday, Tuesday, Friday I’m work. – Monday, Tuesday, Friday are my work days.

Other days are my days off. – The other days of the week are my days off.

work – noun/verb

ex: I am at work.

ex: I work everyday.

Clients wanted to pay money for their retirement house.

Describe a picture:


He is a western people. He stands ocean. He wears a tshirt and shorts and American flat. He should be American people and love American. He is in a relaxed situation. He take a thin play on wave. He has a good vacation a good mood. Why he wear American flag?


He is a westerner / He is a western person. He stands by the/next to the /near the ocean. He wears a tshirt and shorts and an American flag. Maybe he is American and loves America. He is relaxed/calm/peaceful. He takes/has a surfboard to play on the waves. He has a good vacation and is in a good mood. Why is he wearing an American flag?

surfboard – the board used to play on the waves

If I were in the Olympic Games maybe I would take a Chinese flag.