F2F Class Notes 25th November (Tony)

Headphones – over the ear

earbuds – in the ear (headphones)

earphones -??? probably mean earbuds

big picture –  everything that is involved with a particular situation eg: “People who think climate change is not real just don’t want to see the big picture.”

change of pace – is something different from a normal routine or schedule. eg: “Apple needed a change of pace in the 1990’s because their products were losing popularity.”

ground breaking – means sth is new and innovative -eg:  “Mobile data was ground breaking for the mobile phone industry.”

loophole – an ambiguity in a law by which one can avoid a penalty or responsibility eg: “Sometimes our licensees think our process is too complicated and take advantage of the loophole to sell their rights to another company.”

see eye to eye with someone – to agree with someone’s way of thinking or doing things. eg: “I don’t always see eye to eye with her, but I still respect her opinions.”

backdoor – an alternative entrance to computer system

Our licensors want their licensees to create ground breaking artworks. But when licensees deviate from the style guides their designs will be refused. Possibly it is our headquarters that needs a change of pace, because they know licensees want to find loopholes in the very strict contracts. But they continue to be very inflexible. I don’t see eye to eye with them because they are too strict.