F2F Class Notes 25th November (Tony)

Race Track – the venue to race cars, the road is called a track eg: “F1 races are held in Jiading district.”

I can round out my applications resume

the money is too less –  there isn’t enough money

pad – add to some protective layers eg: “This will pad my resume a bit.” “It’s a padded wooden chair.”

shoot yourself in the foot – hurting yourself more than helping yourself. eg: ”

cut corners – to skip some steps in the plan eg: “You can’t cut corners, you have to put the butter in the microwave before you stir it with the eggs.” “I believe that businesses who don’t cut corners will eventually have a better product.”

excessive (adj) – beyond the normal, too much, so that’s it not a good thing eg: “Having a dryer in every home seems excessive.” “You can’t eat excessive amounts of deserts, it’s harmful to your health.” (clothes)

surplus – have more than enough of what you need. eg: “I have a surplus of sweaters and bags.”

one time in two weeks – once every two weeks

I’m mostly motivated but also a little aggressive.