F2F Class Notes 25th February (Tony)


I’m not ready to take this brace off yet

he told me

physical therapy


Sentence Construction

Every sentence must have at least one clause:

Including a Subject (Noun) and a Predicate (Verb)

I went to The Statue of Liberty :    The subject is I, and the Verb is WENT

Longer Sentences may have Objects:

I had a coffee: Subject is I, Verb is HAD, and the Object is COFFEE

I had a black coffee.     Now we use an ADJ to describe the Subject or Object

Compound Sentences:

I walked to the shops, but my husband drove.

I walked down the street then I saw a monkey.

Complex Sentences:

My mother likes dogs that don’t bark.     (Dogs is the subject for the first clause, the second clause has no subject so it needs the subject from the first clause. )

Use When to describe things happening at the same time.

I was walking down the street when I heard a loud crash.

Use that, to combine clauses.

I was eating a pasta that I got from the restaurant.

Past Continuous:

I was walking. I was eating dinner. They were visiting Jing An temple.

I was walking then i got a message.

Using the Verb TO BE and another verb, the other Verb must always have -ing

He is eating. She was talking. She talked. They were going.