F2F Class Notes 24th September (Tony)

When I was a student there is no international school. – “There were no international schools when I was a student.”

The expense is very high – It’s very expensive.(adj.)

Contest – a competition which the winner is decided by judges or rules. eg: “He won the contest every time he entered it.”

Judge – a person with authority who decides. “That singing contest had 51 judges.”

a kind of – eg: A “Husky is a kind of dog.” “A rose is a kind of flower.”

kinda – a little, but not very. or similar to eg: “I’m kinda hungry, but I can’t eat a whole hamburger.”

Elementary – means easy, or in school grades K-6. “My son is in elementary school.” 

exaggerating – to exaggerate means to say something is more than it really is. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”