F2F Class Notes 24th October (Tanya)

Problem (pronunciation)

Right place (pronunciation)

several language (plural) – Several languages

German – the language they speak in Germany

e.g. People in Germany speak German.

Travel North-West China – Travel to the northwestern part of China

Scenery (pronunciation)

Weather (pronunciation)

spice food – spicy food

Spices – things that flavor dishes

e.g. When Sophia is cooking, she uses a lot of spices to add flavor to her dishes.

Recipe – a description of how to cook a dish (usually includes ingredients)

e.g. When Sophia cooks, she uses recipes from the internet.

When I travel to Japan (past tense) – When I traveled to Japan

I visit Kyoto and Osaka (past tense)I visited Kyoto and Osaka

Bloom – when flowers sprout from plants

e.g. In spring, all the flowers bloom.

Floral – everything that has to do with flowers

e.g. The scent is a flower shop is very floral.

It’s not easy to keep plants longer – It’s not easy to keep plants alive


Since I’ve been in middle school – Since middle school


Inequality – when there is no equality

e.g. There’s inequality between rural and urban education in China.

Rural area (pronunciation)

Millions (pronunciation)

Profitable – when things make a lot of money

e.g. Starbucks sells coffee for a very high price. Sophia and Tanya think they’re very profitable.

Whole year (pronunciation)

The deadline has been set at the end of December

= The deadline is 30th of December

The deadline will be set at the end of December

= They will tell me the deadline at the end of December.