F2F Class Notes 24th March (Peter)
She is responsible for… (past) – she was responsible for…
Motor parts company – auto parts company
One time one year – once a year
Sibling – brothers or sisters
Ex. After the Chinese government implemented the one-child policy, the majority of Chinese children grew up without siblings.
Domestic – having to do with the home; usually used to describe housewives or chores (家務)
Ex. In traditional societies, housewives are usually held responsible for domestic tasks, while husbands are charged with working and earning money for the family.
Domestic Violence – abuse of husbands or wives by their spouses, 家庭暴力.
Ex. Although most victims of domestic violence are women, men are also vulnerable to such abuse.
Male Chauvinism – the idea that men are superior to women, 大男子主义,重男轻女.
Ex. Middle Eastern countries are known to be home to male chauvinism.
Sexist – discrimination based on sex
Ex. People that consider men superior to women are thought to be sexist.
Chauvinism (CHAW-vin-izm)
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