F2F Class Notes 24th march (Peter)


You look younger without the mustache (talking about a beard) – you look younger without the beard


Bleach – a chemical used to clean, a chemical used to make something whiter

Ex. Most lotions and skin products in China contain some chemical intended to bleach the skin of the user.

Pompous – sounding overly fancy, trying to hard to be fancy

Ex. When people who are not from Britain try to fake a British accent, it normally sounds too pompous.

Posh(slang, UK) pompous, snotty

Ex. Can we change plans? I looked up the restaurant and it seems too posh; let’s go somewhere casual.

Bougie, boujee(slang, Southern USA) – pompous, trying to appear rich when not actually wealthy

Ex. Girl, what you doin’ bringing wine to KFC? Stop being so boujee.

Extra (slang, USA)做作, trying to hard, unnatural

Ex. My friend is so extra; we planned a casual dinner and she showed up in a ball gown.

Bad厉害, can be used in a positive way to mean that someone is awesome, cool, unique, powerful

Ex. Most common vulgar use is “bad bitch” to compliment someone on being unique and powerful.


Mature (muh-CHOOR, muh-TOUR)

Bougie, boujee (BOO-jee)