F2F Class Notes 24th January (Jesse)

punish (v)

eg. my parents always used to punish my brother if i did something wrong

reward / award – if you do something good, you get something good

punishment – if you do something bad, you get something bad

get away with sth – you don’t get punished

eg. he killed the man and he got away with it

prank – an organised joke / trick

eg. older brothers love playing pranks on their younger siblings

deserves – ying de

eg. Grace deserves a good job and a good boyfriend

eg2. you really deserve better

day care – the place kids go when they’re too young for school

eg. my mum took me to day care every day around 11am

appetite – how hungry you are

eg. i have a big appetite in the morning but not much of an appetite for lunch

snack – ling shi / xiao chi