F2F Class Notes 23rd September (Lina)

I think the leader he is this kind of person who can see the problem and lead everyone to solve the problem I think a leader is the kind of person who can identify (see) problems and lead people to solve them 

He – chee

To find resolution – to find the solution ( pay attention to pronunciation so that you don’t say resolution when you mean The Solution)

 coordinate – sounds like codilate – pay attention to the Co ordi nate

Responsive – respond quickly or actively, or to take into account

I like my manager because he is very responsive to our feedback on projects

accumulating several years experience –  accumulating several years of experience

in the past i think its more easer – In the past I think it was easier / much easier 

Superior – when you are better or outperforming others

To be a leader you might have to be superior to others

large number of populations –  the large number of the population 

unequal economical wealth – pronunciation

lots of place where people live in povert Lots of places where people live in poverty 

In the politics in politics / in the political party / in the political arena

Corruption, to be corrupt


people who is stronger People who are stronger