F2F Class Notes 23rd October (Jesse)

bumper – busy road
eg. it’s bumper to bumper 

information / knowledge / news – non-countable
eg. a piece of information / knowledge / news 

idea / thought – countable 

get a promotion / to be promoted

in the end of the yearat the end of the year

appraisal = performance review 

high bonus / low bonus
high salary / low salary 

score / mark = can be achieved 

point = can be earned 

put a freeze on sth – to stop sth temporarily
eg. they had put a freeze on bonuses  

ink – the stuff in printers that makes the color 

stuff (uncountable) / thing (countable) 

bluetooth – lan ya 

in bed / on my bed 

my first love 



Dogs going out to poo is the same as boys pooing. And the dog is always happy to go out, so you should be too! 

And the dogs are happy to go out and meet other dogs (socialise), and get exercise, so you should too! 

dogs put their paws on other dogs to say helloÂ