F2F Class Notes 23rd November (Tanya)


Going out – go partying

e.g. Chuyi likes to go out but she hasn’t been to a party in a long time.

Celebrities – famous people

e.g. Brad Pitt is a celebrity.

Prefecture – different name for a district

e.g. Japan is divided into different prefectures.

Spectator – a person who’s watching something

e.g. Speed-eating contests are popular spectator events in Japan. This means that a lot of people like to watch speed-eating contests in Japan.

Oesophagus – When you eat something, the food goes down your oesophagus

e.g. Speed-eating is dangerous because it can damage your oesophagus.


Allegation – a legal term for an accusation (more official)

e.g. Allegations are made in court.

Estate – a big piece of land on which a house is built

e.g. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got married on their estate in France.


Being conscious – being aware of your surroundings  

e.g. When you’re asleep, you’re not conscious.

Outrageous – crazy

e.g. This article of cats eating each other on BBC news is outrageous.

Convicted – when a judge is convinced that someone did something bad, he or she will convict the person

e.g. This criminal was convicted. The judge says he has to go to jail for ten years.

Memo – memorandum, a note that’s passed around to inform people of something

e.g. The Philippines police passed around a memo saying that police aren’t allowed to pick their noses while they’re on duty.



I have a thought to go to Vietnam – I was thinking to go to Vietnam




