F2F Class Notes 23rd February (Raph)


Talent (n): 1- a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught. (Adj: Talented)
E.g.: Her talent for music showed at an early age.

Intelligent (adj): 1- smart.
E.g.: She’s a very intelligent girl.

Head (v): 1- to go somewhere or to move in a certain direction.
E.g.: I will head home after work.

Prepare (v): 1- to get or be ready for something that will happen.
E.g.: She is studying to prepare for her test.

Breed (v): 1- to keep animals in a place so they can have babies.
E.g.: There’s a giant panda breeding center in Chengdu.

Bittersweet (adj): 1- containing a mixture of sadness and happiness
E.g.: Bao Bao leaving the zoo feels very bittersweet.

Bitter (adj): 1-
Savory (adj): 1- 咸味
Sweet (adj): 1-
Sour (adj): 1-


(Original – Edited)

Sometimes I get boring. – Sometimes I get bored.

I can went restaurant.  – I can go to the restaurant.

I like climb. – I like to climb. / I like climbing.


Noodles: /ˈnuːd(ə)ls/

Article: http://www.timeforkids.com/content/tfk-top-stories-02-21-17